I’m no good at unreliable narrators

When I was a kid, I used to play Pente with Jayne Belanger.  She would beat me and I would feel dumb.  I would beat her and she would feel dumb. 

It all boiled down to the fact that she built her stones in lines of up and down, side-to-side.  I built mine in diagonals.  When we were reminded of our own failings – and the opposing side’s strength – we were on our respective game.  Let the guard down, rely on what we knew – blammo.  The blind side was turned, and up/down-side/side beat diagonal or vice-versa.  Might as well have been playing tic-tac-toe.

There are some narrative tropes that blindside me in a similar manner.  The unreliable narrator is one.  Just say to me, “Well, so-and-so may be an unreliable narrator,” and suddenly I’m faced with all sorts of up-down-and-crossways lines of stones, not knowing which way to turn.

Give me a good, honest diagonal, any day of the week…

Warning: Cat AND Knitting Content Below.

Milo continues his streak as a wee charmer.  He’s cuddly as all get out, has an endearing “squeak” instead of a meow, and keeps us laughing with his playful antics.  All around, a good cat.  We’ll keep him.

He also (so far) is more interested in lounging in knitting bags than grabbing yarn with teeth and claws.  I consider this a good thing.

More bag nesting

Last night, he brought his cuddliness to a whole new level, though.  As I sat knitting the edging on to my “Print o’ the Wave” stole, he decided to investigate.

Je vous presente - Milo et le soie de la mer!

No, he wasn’t biting yarn or cable of needle (at least not much, and he could be gently dissuaded from continuing when he did), but he did decide that Sea Silk was his nest of choice (I gotta hand it to the cat – he’s got good taste in yarn):

Hmmmm.   Seasilk!

Soft paws working busily (he snagged not one stitch), he purred and delved until I was helpless with laughter:

Milo dives into the Print o' the Wave Stole

At this rate, I’m NEVER going to finish the edging!

Holiday Weekend with the Invalid

Milo had his first rabies shot on Friday, so spent yesterday feeling low.  He didn’t want to be held, didn’t want to be on laps, didn’t want to eat very much.  He seemed to feel like he had flu – occasional feints at normal activity, followed swiftly by relapses into glassy-eyed apathy.

He’s much better now.  He’s been racing around and bouncing off the furniture since early this morning.  He’s now curled up on John’s lap, purring like a steam engine.  This photo was taken earlier this week, but it’s pretty perfect in its representation of his current state:

The Love that Dare not Speak its Name

Ratty – would you care to dance?

Dear Ms. T:

Ms. Jill S, late of North P______, MD, currently of South Dimwittery, tenderly made the sweater pictured within. She crafted it with all deliberate speed, congratulating herself on the fact that she finished in plenty of time to post it northwards to be there for the party at your parents’ home. She did not count on a severe case of Whatdayisit, onset of symptoms coinciding with the beginning of the reasonable window for wrapping, taking to Post Office, and mailing said item.

Upon realizing that this unfortunate attack had put her outside the window for posting said gift, she has granted Power of Attorney to Ms. Carole S, late of H____, NH, currently of East Savetheday to somewhat remedy the situation by delivering this missive.

Ms. S should be back in North P______ as soon as she has finished applying her forehead to solid objects with some degree of force (this may take some time, as there are many inviting objects to be put to this purpose in South Dimwittery). The item in question is also in North P______, from whence it may shortly be delivered to your home in V_____, VA for keeping baby warm.

Much love, Jill S

(Transcribed by Wince N. Dolt, M.D., Les Dullards Infirmary, South Dimwittery)


From Milo

Pssst.  Can we talk?


You know my human mommy has been running for about two months, right?  Well, she says she’s not in training for anything, but she is going to be doing the 2007 AIDS Walk in Washington.  She’s getting pretty close to her fundraising goal, but she’s not quite there yet (and if I know her, she probably wants to exceed that goal, not just meet it).

So here’s the deal: if you can, would you support her on her walk (she’s walking so she can do this with friends who don’t run)?  I understand if you can’t (kittens don’t have a lot of disposable income either).  If you do donate to support her, I would be perfectly willing to make you laugh by lolling in your lap:

Doing his best to crack John up (and succeeding)

Or I could jump on your back and lick your head:

When kittens attack

Whatever works.  We’re all in this together, right?

Two thousand-yard stares


— Milo

Bite… not me.

Milo has entered The Age of Teeth.

Anyone who has raised a kitten knows that there is a time when everything – a challenge, a caress, the coffee table – is approached with tiny fangs bared. The fur of Dash’s tail probably hides a hundred battle scars by now, souvenirs of a tiny tiger flinging himself bodily at his three times larger foe and letting loose the baby teeth of war. Taming The Bite is a key part of kitten raising in my book – little teeth are eventually shed in favor of big teeth, and as much as I don’t want to get bitten by little teeth, I want to get mauled by big teeth even less.

Luckily, Milo is far from the most vociferous of the kittens I have raised (that honor went to Sebastian, my only other orange kitty – in all other respects my gold standard cat, but in the matter of Little Teeth – well, he used to get “time out,” papoosed for long minutes in a blanket or towel until he calmed down sufficiently to re-enter society without perforating it). However, the blissful repose of stroking a tiny, warm, purring body is often broken by the sting of tiny needles on fingers or arm.

We shall persevere, though – Milo is a wonderful addition to our household (no matter what the folks who think we’re daft to have three cats and a dog may say). And Dash really seems fond of him, even when he’s zooming sideways around the living room, only stopping long enough to fling himself bodily at the grey big brother.

Emulating his big brother

A Summer of Extremes

It has been a summer of cool days and low humidity (well, relatively cool and low – this is still DC).  It has also been a summer of drought – the grass has been brown and brittle for weeks, and the air has been dusty.  The stream behind our house has dried to a series of puddles, and the dog looks at them curiously as we jog past in the mornings.  “Where is my paddling-place?” he seems to ask.

In a sudden turnabout, the heavens opened last night and it has been raining on and off ever since.  At one point in the middle of the night it poured so heavily that the rain woke me up.  This might not be remarkable, except for the fact that I sleep through everything.  As a child, I even slept through a thunderstorm so violent it scared our large chow-chow into jumping into my single bed with me.  I had to be told the story of Ding in bed with me over breakfast the next morning by my much-amused parents. 

But last night, the rain drummed on the roof and the deck with such an ominous thrum I woke in anxiety.  The water reached right into my sleeping mind and plucked a chord of anxiety I didn’t even know I had.  I know I’m afraid of fire.  I haven’t previously been afraid of floods.  But the sheer volume of noise that had to be created by an equally impressive volume of water sounded unstoppable.  I was reviewing the status of windows and doors before I realized I was awake.  After a few moments of reminding myself that we’re at the top of a hill, well above the 100-year flood plain, I settled back into sleep.  When the alarm went off, the rain was back to a more soporific hush, making it hard to get out of bed.

I can hear the stream now – it is probably rushing in a brown, muddy torrent, freed from its static, puddled state.  The woods are wet and green.  It’s cool and it feels like fall. 

Get. Out.

John and I don’t get out terribly often. We’re homebodies by nature, with many domestic pursuits and interests. As a result, we end up not taking as much advantage of the many things the DC area has to offer as we think we “should.” (The shoulds and oughts of this type of thinking are particularly vexing, but that’s possibly the subject for a whole other post).

Occasionally, a better-organized friend or two will end up inviting us along on one of their outings. This is most helpful, as it both bumps us out of our slothful rut and gives us the warm glow associated with people thinking we’re not really that boring.

So it was with great pleasure that we accepted an invitation to go to Wolftrap to see Shawn Colvin and John Hiatt yesterday evening. It was a warm, muggy summer night, with the occasional puff of a cool breeze for relief. Both artists took the stage alone, with only a guitar or piano accompaniment. Both exhibited the kind of easy, folksy, humorous virtuosity they are known for.

Shawn Colvin was the opening act, and I especially enjoyed her set. I have been a fan of hers since the chorus of “Steady On” nipped my ears with its coyote-wail chorus. Her music galvanized my cathartic anger in reckless youth, it warmed me by Christmas firesides, it fizzed with windows-open, car-stereo-at-11 brio, it reassured me that there was a woman who could create beauty by facing fear and pain, tumbling and falling down the avalanche.  Listening to her sing last night was the soundtrack to my 20’s and 30’s, leaving the bad behind, embracing the good, and pulling this great music along with me as I make my way towards 40.

I had never seen John Hiatt live before, and was delighted to see that the impression I have always had of a bemused, intelligent, humorous son of the prairie was dead on. Yet behind that “aw shucks” manner is a guitar player of astonishing skill. He’s got a new album coming out in March, and from what we heard of it, we’re going to be getting it.

Of course, since life events are irregularly spaced and lumpy, I am now in New York for my annual weekend to celebrate my mother’s birthday. Fearing the afternoon storms that plague the DC/NY routes in summer, I flew up early and am now waiting for her to arrive. Suddenly, the homebody is out with a vengeance.

A Faux FO?

So, there have been finished objects Chez Writingortyping.  It’s not just cute kittens and yoga around here.

One almost-FO is the front door.  A few weeks ago, John bought a screen/storm door whose packaging promised that it would install in six easy steps.  Um…  Yeah.  Right.  More like seventeen million not-so-easy steps, too many hours, actual rebuilding (or adding on to) the door frame, and adding a few choice words to his blue-talking wife’s rather extensive vocabulary.  The door only lacks a few elements: hydraulic closers, a few bits and bobs – nothing to get excited about.  It fits, it closes, it latches, it does not cause John to make odd explosive noises.  It does not require me to get up from my knitting and cling to it in a manner uncomfortably reminiscent of a tree frog in a hurricane while John mutters and wields his mighty electric drill/screwdriver.  I have hopes that I shall have no more mashed fingers in its uncaring jaws.  It is, for all intents and purposes, a real FO.  This is productive of much happiness.

Another FO has actually been such for a while.  I bought a lace stole kit at Stitches back in the spring.  It seemed like a simple pattern (and it was – but not one that lent itself to “reading”).  It kept me busy in front of undemanding tv, on airplanes, etc.  It was semi-abandoned and picked up a few times.  It may well be my go-to scarf for this winter, as it is light, warm, and versatile.  I’m rather pleased with it.


The very simplicity of it was what made it difficult – there was no organic beginning and ending to latch on to: no point at which I said, “Oh, here -this- begins (or ends).”  But it is lovely and I am pleased.


Clearly, it’s the redheads in our family who do yoga

Yeah, I’m a yogini.  Not so long ago, I was even a teacher of yoga.  It’s likely I will be again one day.  Exhibit A:


I’m also sortakinda redheaded.  Exhibit B:

My brother - he takes a good photo (Photo Credit – Brian Adams)

MacIntosh (a.k.a. Fuzzy Dogface, Tosh, Mac, Shtinky, etc.) is also a redhead and something of a yogi.  Exhibit C:

Toshie Twist

Well, now it appears that the littlest redheaded member of the Smith household is also a budding yogi.  Exhibit D:

Milo twist

I’m sensing a trend.