Exponential Lateness

Wherein Our Heroine Finds Technology Appealing, Yet Vexing.

My Dear Readers already know that Our Hero and I were late adopters (at least by someone's standards) of the TiVo. When we bought the device, we knew it would mean that we would be able to catch up on all those episodes of "Good Eats" that we had missed, not to mention get caught up on shows we can't normally watch due to excessive lateitude (e.g. "The Daily Show." Our Hero and I are almost inevitably in bed before ten. What can I say? He gets up wicked early and I get up only slightly later).

We did not realize at the time that the TiVo would make our Netflix account obsolete. Nor did we realize that we would end up getting addicted (in manner most foul) to even more television. I mentioned that on Halloween we sat around waiting for mostly-nonexistent trick-or-treaters, drinking white wine, and watching "Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars." What I did not mention at the time was that this was the first "Farscape" either of us had viewed. It was a little like how I got into watching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." Somehow, I managed to start watching that series with the 2-part finale of Season 2 (fans of the show will know how nuts this was - Joss Whedon doesn't re-explain stuff for the newbie. You get thrown into the deep end and you're just going to have to figure things out for yourself). I had little idea of what was going on, but I knew I was hooked.

Farscape is not so riveting, but it is the kind of cult TV we like: sarcastic, imaginative, visually appealing, and intelligent. I suppose the only imponderable is why we're finally viewing it so long after it was cancelled. Our neighbors in Massachusetts had been enthusiastic fans, but we never got around to seeing when it was on. Our friend Mel is a quieter fan - and her subdued endorsement ("It's good.") plus the TiVo's superior search-and-capture abilities finally put it on our radar.

The only problem is, now we're stuck at the semi-cliffhanger end of the first episode of a three-parter, with no assurances that the SciFi Channel will air them in order!

Late to TiVo, late to Farscape... what are we going to be late to next?

Posted: Wednesday - November 17, 2004 at 08:13 AM         | |
