We May Be Behind the Times, But We Get There Eventually

Wherein Our Heroine Discusses Potentially Life-Altering Technology.

Well, we finally did it. We got a TiVo over the holiday weekend.

For those of you who think this is not a momentous occasion, you either don't own a TiVo or don't know our friend Mark. I am convinced that Mark is the person for whom the term "idée fixe" was coined, and his mental jaws have the approximate tensile strength of a pit bull on steroids. Generally, if Mark thinks something is for you, you're likely to give in sooner or later. So, after about two years of saying, "Yeah - maybe sometime," whenever Mark insisted we purchase a TiVo, we succumbed to the lure of the latest greatest deal and bought one.

It's nice, I have to admit. No worries about tapes, no worries about broadcast schedules. We already watch less crud that we are not interested in. Fewer commercials (I say "fewer" and not "none" because John hasn't yet developed the reflexive desire to pick up the remote and make it go "ba-boop ba-boop ba-boop.... ba-boop" until they are gone - for those of you who do have a TiVo, you know what I mean). We can actually watch "The Daily Show" now, even though we are early-to-bed types and can't be bothered with the VCR.

So, televisically, our life is just that little bit better. I worry, though, that we will become evangelist-pains-in-the-butt over the device. It certainly seems that it is the type of device that inspires that sort of devotion, based on all the evidence. And just because we now have eleventy-seven hours of fly fishing and bicycle racing recorded off of OLN doesn't mean we have to watch it...

I guess we'll just have to make sure we get outside more often and read more books. After all, it's not like we're going to miss anything on TV we really want to watch.

Posted: Friday - June 04, 2004 at 08:25 AM         | |
