They Say it's Your Blogday...

Wherein Our Heroine "Celebrates" a Year of WoT.

"Writing... or Typing?" is one year old.

Anniversaries are supposed to be a time for reflection, an opportunity to pause and look back over the last 365 days. I feel as if I should be mining some sort of precious pearls of wisdom out of the past year, but if they exist, they are well buried. I am not sure what I set out to do when I began, I was not quite sure then.

Wisdom I may lack, but I now know I have more self-discipline than I had previously thought. 52 weeks of posting, almost every by-nine-A.M. deadline met. Yes, the quality has varied, but so it is with any organic enterprise. The last year has also brought me to add "Yoga Teacher" and "Communications Consultant" to my life-resumé. I will take progress wherever I find it.

It occurs to me as I sit here and struggle to come up with a theme that anniversaries are actually not a good time for reflection on the last year. Those 365 days are too close, and the driving mission that guides every day still eludes me. As long as I have a job search, this year has no closure. Three-hundred and sixty-five days are an arbitrary mark that seem meaningless from where I sit.

Posted: Monday - February 07, 2005 at 08:08 AM         | |
