Will Blog for Food

Wherein Our Heroine Looks at the Alternatives.

Which would you prefer? A lot of little things happening continuously or fewer, larger things happening at widely spaced intervals?

If you are like me (and hoo boy - get some help if you are), you prefer the lots of little things approach. Artificial movement is better than no movement at all! Better to get off the highway moving at 20 and move at 30 on the side roads. It may take longer, but dang it, you'll feel like you're getting somewhere faster.

The seeming non-sequitur? I have been having a few real interviews for real jobs - not "networking" meetings about potential jobs that may or may not be brought into creation by the whim of a capricious being, but real, actual genuine jobs. This morning, in fact, I am meeting with a headhunter (icky word, that) about a real, live gen-yoo-ine job. Somehow, these few big things have felt a lot less productive than the weeks where I have gotten lots and lots of little things done.

The rest of the week? Mostly a washout. Sickness and moping has taken up a bit of it. I tried to stay away from the phone for the early part of the week, because I sounded like an adenoidal squirrel. I have applied for some open positions and accomplished some things, but I have not been as productive as I would have liked. But, an interview! That's real! That's big!

So, as usual, wish me luck (I'm as sick of asking for it as you are of hearing it, trust me).

Posted: Friday - September 03, 2004 at 05:59 AM         | |
