Gaschnozzz, Snert, Honk

Wherein Our Heroine is Charmingly Unwell.

Yes, it's everyone's favorite: the summer cold!

I would like to thank my husband John, for giving me the summer cold, and also whomever gave it to him. That is a beautiful chain of giving there. I feel honored to have received its scratchy, gooey presence in my life. It is absolutely perfectly annoying in that non-debilitating way. I cannot legitimately remain home, as I do not feel as if I have been run over by a truck. Nay, I feel okay enough to go out into the world, whereupon I may give unto others and continue the circle of viral life.

Cue the "Lion King" music. It's just that beautiful.

Seriously, that is one clever little viral infestation. It takes a certain amount of devious parasitic strategy to leave the host mobile enough so she doesn't go burrowing into her hidey-hole until she feels better. Congratulations, Wellington of viruses! You are a strategic master.

Enough sarcasm. It's Monday, I'm mildly ill, and it seems to me that Tim must be back. Pictures of Russia to share with other WoT? readers, Tim? Shall we make this an interactive week? I mean, if you're doing your usual routine, you will see that I have kept up my posting schedule the entire time you are gone. That should blow more than the usual transitional five minutes, I should think.

Then again, after a vacation, you need more than five minutes to transition back into work. At least I think I remember that that is the case. Boy, I'd love to test that theory soon.

Posted: Monday - August 30, 2004 at 07:35 AM         | |
