Happy You-Know-What

Wherein Our Heroine Reviews.

Valentine's Day: the day where you remind your loved one that they are loved.

Note: I am not one to state that "everything changes" when you get married
, because my experience tells me that that statement is hooey. Very little changed when Our Hero and I got married. I am glad I did it, and I would do it again, but not because it rendered our entire relationship in colors I was unable to perceive in my pre-married state. It lent a different depth and tone to the colors that were already there, but those differences are subtle to the point that I might even be imagining them.

Here's why I love my husband. Well, one of the many reasons... He's got a positively whacko sense of humor.

My husband is also a babe magnet of a specific variety.

Darling Husband, thank you for chopping up all those sticks so the increase in fuel costs this year may be slightly abated. Also, thank you for sending me a one-word e-mail this morning, commanding simply, "knit."

My husband - patient man that he is - has borne through this period of job-hunting and the intense anxiety that led up to it.

A lot has happened, and a lot of stress has resulted, but home has been a haven from it all, through it all; and for that, I simply say, "Thank you, John. I love calling you 'husband.'"

Enter my breakfast-loving, slow-starting husband, and my cherished A.M. sprint started to mutate.

John has a profound fondness for otters. I think they bypass his grownup persona, his responsibility and seriousness, and go straight for the kid funny-bone and awe.

So, Valentine's Day doesn't need to be a big, commercial holiday. A grand gesture once a year is easy. Small, daily observances of consideration are more difficult, but they can begin again on February 14.

Posted: Monday - February 14, 2005 at 07:38 AM         | |
