Not much to say…

…Though we are sad here at Chez Writingortyping, because wee Milo is off to the vet for that… operation.  The one all good cat-owners have done if they don’t want to be vicarious kitten-mommas or -daddies.  So, despite the fact that I have been a lame blogger of late, I shall only give you a few photos of the little guy.  He’s going to be gone for a whole 24 hours, and John and I are wondering how we will cope without our dense, warm little fur-bundle purring away on our laps.  We have already suffered through this morning’s agony of trying to ignore him on doctor’s pre-surgery no-feed orders as he squeaked furiously at us, completely incensed that his usual demands were met with no kibble.  (Our neighbor likes to say, “Dogs have owners; cats have staff.”  It is all too true.)

We had a party recently – Milo appointed himself Sommelier:

Milo, Your Sommelier for this evening
“May I get madame a glass of champagne?”

Feeling like quite the wildlife photographer, I also caught Milo and Dash performing the elusive head-lick:


Lastly, a similarly elusive group photo of all three of the feline members of the household:

a rare shot of all three cats

At least I don’t have the heartrending task of actually leaving the wee one at the vet’s – that job goes to John, as the vet is on his way to work.

Equal Time Request – Fulfilled!

Marissa wants equal time for Tosh. Ah, I am in an accommodating mood this week (maybe it’s the turkey). So. Not quite so many photos, maybe, but very cute.

Sleepy guys

Who needs a catnap when you can have a dognap?

Tosh and Joey

Tosh spent Thanksgiving with his cousin, Joey. We can tell who’s all about being a star and who’s all about the turkey being prepared more or less behind his back.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Reader (Viewer?) Request

I saw my friend Melanie yesterday. She looked at me sternly and intoned, “More Milo.”

Who am I to deny Mel?

El Milo

(Ruffled from digging his paper-ball toy out from under the sofa)

El Milo

(Juggling said paper-ball toy. Seriously, this cat has enough toys to stock a big-box pet store. But his favorite toy is a crumpled receipt).

El Milo

(Playing Prisoner of Zenda with John’s new bicycle wheels).

Hope you’re satisfied, Mel.

She’s Here!

The newest knitwear model has arrived – and her Auntie is more than a little tickled.

Auntish glee

Hey, baby – I’m your Auntie Jill: I’m the one with the animals and the yarn, and I am so looking forward to keeping you amused and warm (others may tell you that these are two of my main functions in life).  Your mommy and I have known each other for many, many years and we’re as much sisters as any two women can be without actually sharing DNA.  She did such a good job making you and bringing you into the world, and I feel so lucky that I get to share in watching you grow.

Amelia Sophia, welcome to the world kiddo. 

“No joy greater”

Oh, I’m so proud.*  My hometown made the big-city newspaper. 

This is why Northern Exposure, in all its loony, small-town glory made perfect sense to me.

*You do see the correct use of sarcastic font, don’t you?

Memery by way of Think-Link

Cici was kind enough to want to know what randomness I could come up with in eight easy bites.  Despite promising myself no memes, I realized I had several not-quite blog posts rambling around in my head, as well as some responses to stuff I had read, so I figured I’d come up with eight of them.

1. Weather: It was cold enough this morning that I ran in my new quilted vest purchased from my favorite purveyor of inexpensive workout-wear: Target (it’s also bright pink enough that John burst out with, “Run Barbie, run!”).  I watched my breath puffing in the cold air and thought about how swiftly we have come to this chill, austere point in the year.  I was also grateful for the end of Daylight Savings, since I have a few weeks’ reprieve from running in the dark.  My mom, an afternoon walker, had a simultaneous notion in the opposite direction.  You can’t please everyone.

2. Semantics: How telling is it that the original last sentence of the paragraph above was, “You can’t please anyone?”

3. Knitting: I am simultaneously working on a cozy cashmere vest and a rough-ish wool sweater.  Both items are for me (Mine!  All mine, I tell you!).  Both have their charms, and though they are very different textures, it appears I have entered my Tweed period.

4. Holidays part 1: I am horribly behind in my Christmas shopping.  Normally I am one of those really annoying people who starts Christmas shopping in January.  Aside from a few purchases squirreled away from our vacation this year, I have no idea what I’m doing.  This is a recipe for disaster: panic, overspending, and disappointment (mine, at least) are sure to ensue.

5. Holidays part 2: Having knit for everyone (and I mean everyone) on my gift list last year, almost nobody is getting a handknit gift this year.

6. Television: We are watching the old BBC series, “All Creatures Great and Small” from Netflix.  I remember it being a high treat when I was a kid.  It may be even better now.

7. Family: I am eagerly awaiting my best friend’s baby, who if she doesn’t arrive soon of her own accord is going to garner herself an eviction notice.  I keep getting e-mails from Maria titled, “Still Pregnant.”  This is good news at 4 months.  It is tedious news at 9+ months (and yes, I am aware that pregnancy is measured in weeks and perhaps days and possibly hours at this point – all I know is the kid was due on the 5th.  She’s late, and Auntie Jill is a punctual sort.  Get out here so I can meet you and commence spoiling you, kiddo).

8. Blogging: I am selfishly delighted that Lianne is blogging regularly.  She’s a delight and a wonder to behold, the way she approaches the world with humor, insight, patience, and intelligence.  I only wish that she were coming to visit me on her travels.

You’re supposed to tag eight people at this point, but I shall do the cop-out thing and say tag yourself if you wish to participate.

Small-Town Drama at its Finest

Well, here’s a screamer of a headline: “Hollis Tightens up Rules at Transfer Station.”

Shorter Nashua Telegraph: don’t hang out at the dump.

Smug big-city folk can stop snickering.  Yes, we hicks really do consider the town dump to be a social center.  It’s also a great place to get a cat.

Sweater Saga – or: Don’t Try This at Home

Like many Interweave Knits subscribers, I fell hard for Jared Flood’s Cobblestone sweater from the Fall issue. I flashed the photo at the husband, he approved (with a few suggested modifications to suit his own style and the intended use), I considered the stash for about a nanosecond and settled on some Beaverslide Dry Goods McTaggart Tweed that had originally been purchased to make a gansey for him. The yarn is quite a bit heavier than the suggested yarn, but John is perennially freezing, so that works out well, all the more so since he wanted to have a good, heavy sweater he can wear while fishing.

Swatched, measured, washed, remeasured, yep, okay: the yarn grows a bit with washing, but washed swatch measures out at this per that, mmmmumbleokay… run numbers through this handy converter, yep, mumble… so if I make the smallest size in the pattern, it should come out to fit him. Cool. (It should be noted that I did the same drill for his red ribbed cardigan last year, which resulted in an admirable garment).

The knitting began – it has already been noted that Milo loved it.

Yep, he still likes the knitting

We had a few fittings, where this knitter felt rather pleased with herself.

One of the final fittings for Cobblestone

Okay – who remembers the line about pride and gravity being a bad mix? Yes, that’s a good show of hands…

Upon the request of the recipient, I brought the neck up to make more of a turtleneck, and threw in an additional short-row at the back for good measure. Finished. John, my favorite blockhead, refused to wear it until it had been duly washed and blocked (well, dried flat). Can anyone see where I’m going with this?

Now, let’s not always see the same hands.

After about 2 days of drying (the McTaggart Tweed is nothing if not thick), I had John try it on again. Remember that bit about the yarn growing when washed? And how I was feeling pretty smug about it fitting so well? Yeah. That. Post-washing, we had a sweater that would perfectly fit my 6’4″ father. For the record, my husband is about 5’11”. John looked like a small boy wearing his big brother’s clothing. The body bagged at the armpits. The sleeves flopped down around his hands.  We shall not dwell upon the shoulders that would have accommodated football pads.

Several words passed through my brain which shall not be set down here, as they are unsuitable for cultivating the ladylike image I have so carefully nurtured in writing this blog. With a sudden rush of blood to the head, I took the sweater, marched upstairs, chucked the offending garment in my front-loading washing machine with a dollop of Eucalan, and set it for hot wash, cold rinse.

Someone revive the knitter in the back. She seems to have fainted dead away.

Since the sweater that emerged needed no delicate handling (for it is… rather dense, and unlikely to stretch), it spent a day or so drying on a rack in front of the fire. Result?

Portrait of a man, a dog, and a finished sweater

It should be noted that I had a secret weapon in Ravelry – someone had tried to make Fuzzy Feet out of McTaggart Tweed, and found that it is not good felting yarn, despite appearances that would lead any reasonable person to believe otherwise.

And now, nothing remains but for me to post a gratuitous Milo picture. The reader is welcome to imagine that he is either crowing in triumph at my unlikely sweater rescue or laughing his fuzzy butt off at me for being so dense throughout an entire month’s worth of sweater knitting.

I wanna ROCK!

Have a lovely Sunday, I hope you enjoyed your extra hour of sleep, dear reader.

Joss Whedon: Please Spend More Time in the Bathroom

Because apparently, that’s the key to his return to television.

It Must be October

Frantically busy? Check.

Crossing as many fingers and toes as would still allow us to get on with normal human activities in order to mystically help the Red Sox? Check.

Hauling out sweaters with glee as the weather is finally chilly? Check.

Making more of them? Check.

Sweater in progress

Gratuitous cute cat photos featuring Milo in unlikely poses? Check.

Cute cat in unlikely pose
