Oh. My. God.

I have a real fascination with Rube Goldberg machines.  I don’t have the right sort of brain to come up with them, but I love them.  When I was out visiting Marie and her family, and her kids were playing with their Mousetrap game (as opposed to playing Mousetrap, which is a very different thing), I totally understood what they were on about.

That being said, this is mind-boggling:

I am in awe.


  1. That was so cool that I made my kids come and watch! Even they thought it was kind of cool LOL

    Daisys last blog post..You know your mother is a geek when?

  2. LOL Definitely fun!

  3. Jill, I never played Mousetrap either. Rather our mom would find some parts and pieces attached to some “invention” of ours.

    This is about the best entertainment a girl could find on a morning like today!

    Thanks for sharing.

    breadchicks last blog post..When the Babes Bake A Pie That’s Amore!

  4. Woooow!

    A friend of mine, in Cape Town, was given a porcelain bunny as motivation to finish her thesis. This would possibly make more sense if you knew said friend, but the point is that she loathes ornaments and Cute and Cute Ornaments, well… so this bunny was sat next to her computer and she had to look at it every day and she was only allowed to destroy it once the thesis was submitted.

    As it turned out, the thesis was done shortly before her birthday, so the evil friends who originally foisted the bunny upon her also came up with the evil plan for its destruction. They spent a whole day in the garage setting up one of these things, which culminated in an anvil – seriously – being dropped on the bunny. It was apparently a work of mad genius and two minutes of sheer delight, but do you think any of the witnesses to this event have had the compassion to actually post the video for the benefit of far-flung friends? No. I tell you, some people have no hearts.

    Robynns last blog post..While I’m away from keyboard…

  5. Ooh – that’s brilliant. I could have benefited by such a scheme when I was in law school.

    Did they at least TAKE the video so that there is some (small?) hope that the video will someday be available? Hopefully with a delightful introductory sequence about the friend and her hatred for objets de cute?

  6. that is brilliant!!!!! we were just talking about mr goldberg the other day – i think the conversation was either inspired by dr who or the opening to BACK TO THE FUTURE…..

    mariettas last blog post..Date night!