“No joy greater”

Oh, I’m so proud.*  My hometown made the big-city newspaper. 

This is why Northern Exposure, in all its loony, small-town glory made perfect sense to me.

*You do see the correct use of sarcastic font, don’t you?


  1. Oh my! We were up in Hollis a few weeks ago for a rental night. My husband calls on the district for musical instruments. I had no idea the dump was a gathering place?! :)

  2. I think, if you haven’t read it, “Stig of the dump” is a must read. It is a childrens book but was my absolute favourite as a child.. you could quote passages to your local rag. (newspaper)

    I live in a town of about 20 thousand people in Warwickshire, England. Its a great place to visit, but we only ever spend 10 minutes once a month at the tip (dump) and manage to pick up some wonderful treasures. Sounds like your lot are making a career move out of it. I love it that you posted this.. :)

  3. Heh. The dump is definitely a hotbed of contention in my old hometown. One of the reasons I’m glad I don’t live there anymore. New Hampshire folk are known for sometimes taking their motto, “Live free or die,” to somewhat ridiculous extremes.