Dash – not so brave, dear heart

We’ve had heavy rains around these parts recently (though nothing to what the folks in the Gulf Coast are facing – I’m watching those reports with dread).  Dash, always afraid of thunder, now seems to have extended that trepidation to mere heavy rain.

Even heavy rain makes Dash nervous

Not usually a lap cat, he sniffed at the slider the other morning and insisted on sharing the available space on my lap with my computer.  I was able to snag his chagrin with the PhotoBooth program.  Poor dear.


  1. He looks a little scared. Poor Dash.

  2. My late cat Weegee (the Magnificat) maintained a thunder bunker deep in the bowels of this apartment. He always fought these things out alone.

    Sharon Frosts last blog post..Good to be home. Brooklyn. September 3/4, 2008.