Blogging the Blob

I promised Robynn photos of the blob, so here they be:

Blob – wide-shot:

Bee shawl - final phase

Blob – closeup of final motif:

Bee shawl - closeup of final motif

Extra bonus knitting content – a sock for John, cobbled together with ideas from Cat Bordhi’s latest fever-dream, er, book :

John's raven socks - well, sock

(I really like that heel, and this was my first foray into linen stitch, which is a bit of a pain, but the effect is nice).

Extra bonus holiday weekend cute – LoLo the lounger:

The Yoga of Cute

(Yes, that’s Milo. I have a slightly wacky habit of nipping a nickname off the back of our pets’ names. So MacIntosh becomes Tosh or Toshie, Simon becomes MonMon or Mon-ster, and Milo has become Lo, Little Lo, or LoLo.  Those with single-syllable names don’t have this indignity visited upon them, so Dash is safe.)

Robynn also tagged me , and while I’m not generally memealicious, I decided to go along…

What was I doing ten years ago?

Hmm…. May of 1998.  I had just moved to the DC area for the first time.  I purchased my first house in Arlington, VA (everyone told me I was out of my mind for buying, the market would tank any minute, everything was overpriced… um… yah.  Not so much.)  I had one cat (Mon, MonMon, Monster).  I wasn’t in a relationship, and for the first time in my adult life, I was pretty cool with that.

Five things on my to-do list for today:

  1. Write this post
  2. Work more on the blob bee shawl
  3. Clean up the kitchen
  4. Relax
  5. Relax some more (holiday, don’cha know)

Snacks I enjoy:

Mostly things with salt – potato chips, corn chips and salsa, and the like, but I also really like pickles… mmm.  Pickles.  Salt and chocolate together are also favorites, like chocolate-covered pretzels, and while it’s not salty, chocolate-covered ginger is a dangerous new discovery.

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

Um… wow.  The world kind of explodes when you think that way, doesn’t it?  My mom and I used to play a game called "dream house" – we would talk about various aspects of what home would look like if money was no object: location, features, what sort of special rooms we might have.  This is kind of like that, except there’s a personal and a public side to it.  Clearly there would be a lovely home (well, homes – favorite places like Colorado and Paris spring immediately to mind), and there would be travel to places I want to visit but wouldn’t necessarily want to live (India, the rest of Europe, New Zealand), but there would also be the "doing good" part of having that much money, and knowing me, it would be about education and independence.  I suppose I would either fund a foundation and work with people who are committed to enable independence through education, or find a foundation that’s already doing that sort of work and work with them.

Places I have lived:

It’s a pretty short list: New Hampshire (Hollis and Manchester); Portland, Maine; Minneapolis, Minnesota; the DC suburbs of Maryland and Virginia; Somerville, Massachusetts (I’m only including places where I’ve had an address on my driver’s license – there are other places I have spent considerable time – like London, England, or Menlo Park, California).


Umm…. well – let’s see.  How ’bout Marie , Lianne , and Daisy ?


  1. Kimberly says

    My God, I wouldn’t be able to resist that belly! And there’s just something about little cat feet up in the air…. *sigh*

    That shawl is beautiful! I can’t wait to see it finished.

  2. Yeah, the belly is deadly. Deadly. As is chocolate-covered ginger. Mmmmmm…

    Go blob! Looking very fine. And really not at all blobby. Did I mention I like unblocked lace? I like unblocked lace a lot.

    Robynns last blog post..Polygamy: A Good Idea!

  3. The sock is very nice, as is the cat tummy! The shawl looks great!

    I get my chocolate-covered ginger here.

    Marilee J. Laymans last blog post..Funny Picture

  4. Whole Foods has chocolate-covered ginger in their bulk aisle. Which is a good way for me to get it, because I can exercise some self-control and just get a handful and then take advantage of the fact that I’m going to want to make it last by only having one or two pieces at a time.

    If I were to have a lot in the house all at once, I would have a hard time with self control!

  5. Ah, even if Whole Foods wasn’t an hour away, I couldn’t afford it. I don’t have chocolate-covered ginger that often — maybe five or six pieces together once a week — but if I wanted to eat it all at once, I’d want smaller amounts, too!

    Marilee J. Laymans last blog post..Funny Picture

  6. yummy kitty belly! i want to rub it! so cute and soft

    and that sock is very cool! how does it fit? does it have all that weird increasing and decreasing in it? i will have to investigate further in person one of these days :)