
Sleepy Friday Morning.

Apologies for the no-post yesterday. My schedule went a wee bit crazy on me.

It is raining today - soft, drumming, soporific rain. And yet, my horoscope says to cut back on the caffeine. Obviously the astrologers and the meteorologists need to get it together, as there is no way I can cut back on caffeine when the trees outside are going shhhwwwooshhhh, and the rain is going thrumthrumthrumthrum.

It seems that a great deal of them Internets is buzzing with reviews and mini-reviews of Revenge of the Sith, so it seems like an appropriate time for me to make a confession: I have not seen "Star Wars" I and II. We even own "Episode I" (Thomson Financial sent it out as part of a series of ridiculously expensive promotions a few years ago -- that was about six months before they started laying people off. Hmm...). I watched about 20 minutes of it, got horrifically bored, and went to bed. From what I have heard of the movie, it appears I got bored just before the point where most people segué from bored to annoyed, so I suppose I got off lightly.

But this weekend is unlikely to contain movie-viewing (most weekends are unlikely to contain movie-viewing in our household -- we've even fallen behind on our usual "one movie per quarter" quota). Aside from the normal round of Yoga, I am going to be attending a fly-fishing course this weekend. Yes, you heard me correctly. John asked if I wanted to try it, I gave it some thought and said, "Why not?"

You can stop laughing now.

Posted: Friday - May 20, 2005 at 08:32 AM         | |
