Another Milestone

Wherein Our Heroine Hops Up and Down and Squeals with Glee.

Yay! My friend Melanie - she of the Chinatown Express Bus Adventure - has closed on her first home - a condominium one Metro stop away from us.

We have been veritable pests about getting her to purchase real estate. "Paying rent is flushing your money away," "We know you love color - why live in a magnolia rental box?" "Owning your own home is an investment and it makes you feel more secure - why not do it?" Yes, we have sounded like realtor's brochures for a few years now, and finally Mel took the plunge and started looking. And, in the time-honored form known and hated by almost all DC-area real-estate purchasers, looked and looked and then looked some more. She saw places that resembled dank little closets and participated in the not-infrequent game of being outbid (twice, when the first bid fell through) on a property she desired.

However, in a twist that should please those who believe that everything happens for a reason, her eagle-eyed agent's boss (who also happens to be the mother of our friends Miklos and Michele, who are about to become parents for the first time. I told you that great milestone moments were occurring all around us) saw a property that was exactly what Mel was looking for, listed right before Thanksgiving. (Was the seller clinically insane? No, we don't know either. We're just happy for Mel). She put in a bid, it was accepted, and suddenly all the disappointment and toil were eliminated.

Life is like that sometimes. It is nice to get the reminder.

Posted: Thursday - January 06, 2005 at 08:41 AM         | |
