Plowing Over Old Ground

Wherein Our Heroine Boggles.

I have noted before how little patience I have with the Capitol Region's tendency to panic when faced with snowfall. That is not to say I don't have respect for the unholy combination of freezing weather and precipitation, but around here they take it to an absurd level.

We are having a "Snow Event," according to the local NBC affiliate. We are "closing in" on half an inch of the white stuff. Half an inch! My favorite civic defenders of the roadways, the salt trucks, are apparently out in force. Every second remote report was on the snow - one reporter just noted the current accumulation: you could still see the grass poking up from the slim layer of powder.

A complete accumulation of three to five inches is expected. Do you think the governor will call for emergency funds?

Posted: Thursday - February 24, 2005 at 07:06 AM         | |
