Zip. Nada. Bupkus.

Wherein Our Heroine Starts the Holiday Weekend a Bit Early.

I am full of nothing today.

No cranky ramblings, no pastoral musings. Some days are just like that, I guess. Perhaps it is cosmic comeuppance for telling someone a little while ago that coming up with daily topics was getting easier. The Jinx Gods said, "AHA! Fuggedaboudit. You shall have the urge to move closets on Monday, ideas that come to you in the night and are gone by morning midweek, and an empty head on Friday."

So be it, who am I to resist the tides of fate? I have an empty head and needs must get on the road, as my best friend of *choke* thirty years and I are about to have a long-anticipated Girls' Day Out.

So, as Monday is Memorial Day and even Our Heroine needs a holiday sometime, have a great weekend and I will see you Tuesday.

Posted: Friday - May 28, 2004 at 08:39 AM         | |
