Shrill Blather

Wherein Our Heroine Is All Thought-Process and No Thought.

Every blogger comes to this point. Most bloggers write about it. Why should I be any different?

"What point is that?" I hear you cry. (Well, of course, I don't actually hear you. But I just love putting words into your mouth, dear Reader. I'm evil that way). The point in question is where the blogger wonders whether it's really worth it - why they're doing what they're doing, if they really have anything new to say. If, as the title indicates, what they're really doing is perpetrating shrill blather on the Internet.

Being the (mostly) rational being that I am, I know that there are several answers to this:

1. You do have a core of regular Readers, no matter how small. At the very least, Tim might just have to come down from New England and open up a can of Superfriends whoop-ass on you.
2. It's Monday. You're always like this on Monday.
3. For every echo-chamber-of-the-Blogosphere post you put up, there is probably something more original, and possibly even humorous.
4. It's a cheap shot to use this as a post - you may have little to say, but you've said it more creatively before.

Fear the meta-narrative. It is taking over.

Posted: Monday - September 27, 2004 at 07:18 AM         | |
