Yes, I'm Late. Blame the Zoo.

Wherein Our Heroine's Morning is a Bit Off-Kilter.

Today's title does not refer to the National Zoo this time. It refers to the Smith Zoo - Simon, MacIntosh, and Dash. We took the entire megillah to the vet's this morning for their annual checkups and shots. (No, two adults are not necessary for this operation, but it is very helpful when you're dealing with all three critters at once). I had, of course, forgotten about this quasi-military maneuver until John bounced on the bed this morning, mewing like a kitten and acting entirely too energetic for 7:00 AM.

But, it was a lovely misty morning, and despite a suboptimal level of caffeine in my system, we did get the zoo boxed up (in the case of the cats) and loaded up and off to the establishment of the Drs. Scott and Nessim with relatively little fuss and fanfare. The elder Dr. Scott, as usual, complimented our lovely menagerie on their bright eyes and handsome coats (it is such a pleasure to have your animals cared for by one who obviously likes and is gentle with all of the animal kingdom), shots were given and everyone was loaded into the Zoo Bus and brought home.

So, now I am home and I apologize for the lateness. Best to all this Thursday morning.

Posted: Thursday - September 30, 2004 at 09:41 AM         | |
