Put Down the Thesaurus and Back Away Slowly.
Wherein Our
Heroine Had to Share the Cute.
We had a major downpour yesterday. I'm
telling you, the stream behind our house was a raging torrent. The deluge was
enough to make me want to stay in for the majority of the day, aside from going
out to teach a friend's Yoga class first thing in the morning. The rest of the
day was taken up in being generally useful to clients and trying not to fall
asleep where I sat because the rain was so
soporific.It eased off in the
early afternoon, but by about three the thunderstorms started. And when it got
loud outside, it got cute inside. Dash has decided he is afraid of thunder. So
after trying to climb into the bottom shelf of my office bookcase and realizing
he does not fit (I have rearranged things somewhat), he crouched miserably in
the smallest space he could find and clearly said with his big, round eyes,
"Make it stop."
Well, no - you can't see his
imploring, big, round eyes in this photo. But trust me, they were there and
they were cute.
In this photo, he appears to be
saying, "Bugger off. I'm frightened. Must you
mock?"John tells me I cannot
hang the pictures in my office until this evening, so no photos yet of its
transcendent greenness.
Posted: Tuesday - March 29, 2005 at 06:24 AM