Oh, So That's It.

Wherein Our Heroine Has A Name For It.

I guess it's called "outrage fatigue." Mary Kay Kare over at Gallimaufrey has successfully named (and, as she's a retired librarian, catalogued) my pain.

I used to console myself with the thought that in November, at least, I will be able to make my tiny contribution to changing the world. Then I remember that Montgomery County has electronic, touch-screen voting and I feel less than stellar about that so-called solace.

John and I occasionally muse about what we would do if we won the lottery. Our imaginary winnings used to go towards imaginary vacation homes, boats and horses. Now we're in the market for an imaginary island, where we can be self-governing.

But I do have one piece of really good news: on Saturday John was notified that he has been accepted to the Masters of Library Science program at Catholic University. I think about that and pride at least momentarily squelches all outrage fatigue.

Posted: Monday - May 03, 2004 at 08:13 AM         | |
