Two-Hundred Essays

Wherein Our Heroine Shares What She Has Learned.

Today is Thursday, November 18, 2004, one week from Thanksgiving. This is my 200th essay.

Let it be said right off the bat that I never expected to write 200 essays under the category of "Unemployment." And while I am not exactly happy about that fact, I am also surprised at how calm I am.

There are definite emotional peaks and valleys to job-hunting, and while the job hunting is the primary task, I have learned that the secondary task is to try to even them out. When things are going well, interviews are moving along, and the job under discussion seems wonderful it is too easy to get giddy or worse - complacent. When that job does not go to you, it is easy to think it was the last one you will ever interview for, you are worthless, and will end your life (shortly) in a muddy ditch in the rain. Note that neither the heights nor the depths are helpful to the process or the person.

The answer to both? Activity. Calling contacts, searching for new leads, even walking the dog or making bread. It isn't a cure-all, but it does help.

So, after 200 essays, is that all I have learned? Not really. But it's certainly the biggest one.

Posted: Thursday - November 18, 2004 at 07:52 AM         | |
