Good News from Around the Web

Wherein Our Heroine Reviews Some Web/TV/Movie Vectors.

Warning: today's post is unremittingly frivolous and may cause whiplash or other severe injuries to anyone expecting serious contemplation of - well, of something. If you are not a fan of the pop culture icons in the following post, Our Heroine advises you to google up whatever pop culture does, in fact, turn your crank.

As I have previously mentioned, the movie version of "Firefly" is being made. I have further good news for Whedon fans - the official Serenity production website is up, and it has a blog. For fans of Mr. Whedon's oeuvre (no, no -- not his egg. His body of work. Sheesh), this "Dusty Bottoms" critter who is allegedly penning the blog has a suspiciously familiar "voice." However, Joss has a stable of writers who somehow manage to imit his seemingly inimitable style, so who knows who is actually writing it. It is very funny, though. My only critique is, "More! Want more!"

Alton Brown, TV's Bill Nye the Science Guy/Julia Child mashup also has a website. If you've ever wondered where to get a salt cellar like his, or lusted over his little plunger/measuring cup devices, here's where you can get them. He also has a blog, though unfortunately there does not appear to be an archive. His original post about Kathy Cox, the Georgia State Superintendent of Schools who was toying with the idea of eliminating the "inflammatory buzzword" known as "evolution" from school curricula and replacing it with "changes occurring over time," was truly priceless and also apparently lost to posterity. He posited that in the same spirit of eliminating those pesky "inflammatory buzzwords" we should replace the term "slackjawed ignoramus" with "Kathy Cox."

Tomorrow: Our Heroine's studio pitch for a show featuring a science-loving chef forever on the run from a scary intergalactic bureaucracy....

Posted: Thursday - July 15, 2004 at 08:57 AM         | |
