Holding Pattern

Wherein Our Heroine Tries Her Best.

I am pretty sure I have mentioned before that waiting patiently is not my strong suit. Patience in general has not been my strong suit, though Yoga has helped a whole heck of a lot with that.

The problem with improving in this sort of area is you rarely get credit for it. It is easier to recognize a thing than to perceive the absence of a thing, and when you gain greater forbearance, its outward manifestation is not perceived as an increase in calm or gravitas, but a decrease in snits and outbursts of temper. So, labors of patience and its ilk tend to go unremarked-upon, even by those who know to brace for an explosion in certain instances.

Constant testing with no end in sight also peels away those layers of self-control that you have built up around you. It has been a year of testing that patience, of waiting, of trying and falling short. A year. I never thought it would get to a year. There is something very, very big about a year. The year has held some backsliding, some squaring of the shoulders, and a lot of efforts at improvement and forward motion. But it has been a year.

I would not go back, though. I would not change what I did and I still believe that this path will lead me to something better.

Posted: Tuesday - January 11, 2005 at 08:56 AM         | |
