Pivot QuestionnaireSummarizing
We started TiVo-ing "Inside the Actors Studio" (you have no idea how
much the absence of an apostrophe confuses and upsets me). It struck me that
the Bernard Pivot questionnaire that James Lipton uses is an eminently bloggable
thing (not only that, but I'm never going to sit on that stage and answer it, so
why not here?). Feel free to answer the questions yourself in the comments.
01. What is your favorite word? Are you kidding? There are too many - but for today, I'll just say "marvelous." 02. What is your least favorite word? Very 03. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Music - specifically vocal harmony 04. What turns you off? Cruelty 05. What is your favorite curse word? Jackass! 06. What sound or noise do you love? Laughter 07. What sound or noise do you hate? The sound of Dash clawing at the door in the predawn hours 08. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Musician 09. What profession would you not like to do? Politics 10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Your grandparents are waiting for you Posted: Tuesday - May 03, 2005 at 07:13 AM | | | Quick Links Statistics Total entries in this blog: Total entries in this category: Published On: Aug 02, 2007 10:11 PM |