More Nothing

Wherein Our Heroine Revisits the Concept of Nothing.

Varied responses have come back on my essay on "nothing." One apartment-dwelling friend has offered me "far more than $50" for aural nothing (he has a noisy upstairs neighbor). Another points out that Nothing was a very successful branding campaign in New Zealand. Additionally, there was a follow-up from the Kiwis: Buy Nothing Day. There is a nothing-inspired Christmas push underway as well.

Interestingly enough, much of this nothing-ness is consumer related. But literature has had its fair share of nothing. Truly, there is Nothing New under the sun. And, "Much Ado" included, much has been said in quotes about nothing. Television had a show about nothing. Many works of fine art have been derided as nothing.

Philosophy has its nothing. As does religion. In mathematics, nothing is a powerful concept.

The Internet also, of course, has plenty of nothing.

Some who have read to this point might suspect that Our Heroine is suffering a bit from that malaise known as Writer's Block. They would, unfortunately, be correct.

But - if one has writer's block, what is one to do except be clever about nothing?

Posted: Friday - February 13, 2004 at 08:18 AM         | |
