The Monday-Holiday Paradox

Wherein Our Heroine Tries to Wake Up.

Everybody have a good holiday?

Yes? Good.

Our long weekend was so busy it felt as if we need another weekend to rest up. Is there something in human nature that makes us say, "Hey! Leisure time! Fill it up!"? Or is it a purely American phenomenon? Long weekends are especially pernicious that way: the extra day means that instead of stretching normal weekend activity over three days, we tend to cram in about four days worth of parties, barbecues and chores. As a result, by about four yesterday, after a large lunch and a walk around the neighborhood, John and I and two friends we had invited over were practically lolling about in a stupor.

I'm still feeling a bit stuporous. Which is not to be confused with stupendous, as stupendous would include energy and I have none of that. Instead, I have a vaguely sludgy feeling that seems to require activity to throw it off. So I'm going to go be active now.

Posted: Tuesday - June 01, 2004 at 08:20 AM         | |
