
Wherein Our Heroine Regards Ten as Imperfect.

Oh. My. God. It is SO COLD.

Yesterday it was cold as per normal - a bit damp, settles into your bones and makes you shiver. Typical DC winter weather. We hibernated, made julekage, smelled the dough rising and the cardamom grinding. The fire in the fireplace had a cheery, warm glow. Carols played on the stereo and finally, we packed those boxes up.

Overnight, the wind blew up and is now 21-26 MPH and the temperature (not counting wind chill) is ten. Ten degrees. This is not normal DC winter weather. This is Crazy Arctic weather. This is weather that comes with advisories and warnings. This is weather that runs with scissors and may well put out an eye if someone is not careful. I am serious when I say be careful of this weather or your face just might freeze that way.

Posted: Monday - December 20, 2004 at 07:24 AM         | |
