UnwellPurple Haze? I
It is a horrible paradox that the
weather just now is so beautiful, the sun is shining so brightly, the leaves are
so green, and yet the majority of the Smith household feels so rotten. John is
barking like a two-pack-a-day seal, the dog has been showing signs of pink paws,
and I spent far too much of last night in that semi-insomniac place where you
slowly realize you are awake, you have been awake for quite a while, it is two
in the morning, you can't get comfortable, and awake is really not where you
want to be at the moment. I suspect that John was awake for a good part of the
night as well.
The cause for all of this misery? Pollen. The same green, lovely trees that look so wonderful are releasing huge amounts of pollen into the air. On our way to a christening party yesterday, John even fancied that he could see a yellow haze hovering over the horizon. I told him he was mentally extending the yellow haze off the hood of my car. I know, others have it much worse in the world, and I must whine about pollen. What else can I do? The lack of sleep means I am too tired to think about anything else. Posted: Monday - May 09, 2005 at 07:42 AM Writing... or Typing? Previous Next | | | Quick Links WoT would you like today? Calendar
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