My Subconscious Clearly Knows Something

Wherein Our Heroine is Doomed.

Anyone else find that they increasingly look at the world with a bloggable/not bloggable duality? Cranky observations about Las Vegas' advertising campaign? Bloggable. Cranky observations about how our den couch is breaking down? Not bloggable. Musings about my own aspirations for being a better Yoga teacher or potentially a novelist? Bloggable. Musings about friends' concerns or issues with their own lives? Not bloggable. Irritation with loved ones, employers, or the like? So not bloggable it does not even register on the bloggability meter.

As of this morning, that duality has so totally permeated my brain, it actually showed up in a dream. I was inside a house with huge plate glass windows, talking to my mother. Suddenly, there was a rumbling which developed into a roaring, and chunks of what looked like molten black asphalt exploded out of the lawn on the other side of the window and started to rain down gooey awfulness. My mother looked at me as if this was my fault (out of character for my mother, I hasten to add), and we looked in fascinated horror as the black and fiery orange chunks of stuff fell down out of the sky.

I swear to you that the following is true: my dream-self thought, "Well this is an interesting thing to write about for today."

It is official. I am doomed to blogdom, waking and sleeping.

Posted: Tuesday - February 22, 2005 at 07:31 AM         | |
