Change Your Shorts, Change Your Life*

Get Up, Get Over it, and Get On With it.

Sometimes it takes a brain a bit of time to catch up with current events. I ceased to be employed in conventional terms about a year and a half ago. Since then, I have gone from being frantically employed in job-searching to mostly self-employed and somewhat less frantically employed in job-searching. I have a tidy little business these days, and while I am not crazy about the feast or famine nature of self-employment, I cannot honestly call myself "unemployed" either.

Having taken that piece of information completely on board, and having a semi-superstitious belief in the power of suggestion, I looked at my daily category of "Unemployment" and decided that I am done with it. It does not represent reality, and it certainly does not represent my ambition or my aims. So to heck with it. "Daily Life" is now the default and I will probably create new categories moving forward.

One of the limitations of iBlog (the blogging software that this fine website uses) is lack of ability to assign multiple categories to a single entry. I have heard the Movable Type siren song and its ability to assign multiple categories to one post for some time, but I don't have anyone tech-savvy enough who loves me enough (e.g. will help me for free) in order to get a MT site going, which requires some knowledge of the arcana of PHP and SQL. Checking out a PHP/MySQL book from the library caused a minor short-circuit in my brain, so I soldier on with iBlog, one category at a time.

But I am going to start walking my talk and acting like I have some control over future events, even if it is something as minor as a blogging category.

* Yes, Richard - the title is for you.

Posted: Wednesday - May 25, 2005 at 08:51 AM         | |
