Sometimes You Learn the Most Wonderful Things


An Ethiopian colleague came by my office yesterday and said, "Do you know what 'Jill' means in Amharic?"

"Do I want to know?" I asked, fearing vulgarities having to do with body parts.

"Maybe not," she said, her eyes twinkling. My fears added excretion to the list and I wondered how bad this game might get.

"Okay, better lay it on me."

"It means silly or goofy." I sighed with relief and told her I actually quite liked that. Later in the day, I called my mom and told her my East African secret.

"I never knew that," she said.

"Well, it apparently also means girl in Old English or one of its root languages," I said.

"Goofy girl."


Posted: Friday - February 16, 2007 at 07:13 AM         | |
