Dumb Little Random Observation


I took my car to the dealer yesterday for routine maintenance, leaving it there and taking their handy-dandy shuttle to the office. All day I felt like I had forgotten something, then would realize it was that my car wasn't in the parking lot.

I mentioned this to my friend/colleague Chris, who pointed to his empty wrist, where his wristwatch should have been, and said, "I know exactly how you feel."

For some reason, this incredibly apt (to me) analogy helped an awful lot. I stopped feeling like I had forgotten something and decided it was way better to have the car in the shop than to have forgotten my wristwatch. Of course, had I forgotten my wristwatch and taken the car to the shop and was therefore unable to drive home to get the wristwatch? Let's just not even go there. It's horrifying to contemplate how addicted to some objects I am.

Posted: Thursday - November 30, 2006 at 07:42 AM         | |
