Let the Wild Ruckus Begin


In Montgomery County, Maryland, we have a few instances of what I call "suburban wildlife." These critters make me feel a little less like I am 18 miles from a major US city, and a little more like I'm home in the New Hampshire woods.*

This Sunday, as the dog and I were pottering about the cul-de-sac, I heard my favorite example of suburban wildlife letting loose a wild screeee in the trees. I don't have much of a zoom, but I was able to capture their early-morning meditations on droit du seigneur with reasonable clarity:

Treetop hawks, Sunday morning

Treetop hawks, Sunday morning

* Am I romanticizing? Yes. But there are still times when I feel a bit hemmed in by the sameness of the suburbs and yearn for the extremes. I've learned to love cities (I would get sensory overload in the urban scene as a youngster, but love dipping into New York, London, San Francisco, etc. now), but the country is truly what I love.

Posted: Monday - October 30, 2006 at 07:25 PM         | |
