A Meander-y Weekend
Aside from the twin weekendly concerns
of laundry and food, this weekend has meandered all over the place. John hung a
painting in his office, which was a Christmas and birthday present from me. The
painting itself was his Christmas gift. I gave him a gift certificate for the
framer's for his birthday. The swift kick that took him to finally take the
painting to the framers, make a decision on a frame and spend the certificate?
That one was for no occasion whatsoever. Sometimes the best gifts are the ones
out of the blue, you
demonstrated that photographic documentation of domestic feline cuteness can be
harder to capture than some of the wiliest nature photography by not quite
cooperating when John tried to photograph him using my knitting bag as a
of knitting bag: one nearly-finished hourglass sweater from Last Minute Knitted
Gifts. For some reason, I have a terrible time taking WIP photos, so you'll
have to take my word for it that it has a body up to the armpits and nearly one
whole sleeve).John also
finished finishing my niddy-noddy. He came up with the ingenious idea of
suspending it from the rafters in the basement with fishing line in order to
stain it all at once. Sometimes my husband demonstrates the kind of clever you
find on Mythbusters. Also, it really looked like it was floating above his
workbench, which I just think is really
my work-colleague Anabel came by for a stashploration and spinning demo (it is
terrifically weird to me to think I would be demo-ing a skill I am so new to.
It's even weirder to note that in the last week of not spinning, my hands and
feet took yet another quantum leap towards fine, even work. I may own all these
cells, but I don't understand them). She left with a mini-skein of nearly
sockweight handspun, newly demo-ed, as well as a skein of older, thicker,
lumpier stuff that she wanted to play with ("Go! Play! Knit!! Use! Crunch all
you want, I'll make more!). It also apparently makes a lovely
just took the dog for his evening walk and came across a girl about eight and
her mom. Girl was filling various vessels with water from the stream behind our
house. Mom held a small variety of nets and sieves. "Science experiment?" I
asked."No, just finding
stuff," replied mom. "We got some small fish, other
things...""Sounds like the
best kind of science experiment to me," I
Posted: Sunday - September 17, 2006 at 05:59 PM