The Happy Things Are Very Good Indeed.


Many thanks to all who listed happy things in the comments to the last post (and one e-mail from someone I had not heard from in quite a long time!). Somehow, hearing about other people's happy things is more effective to me than counting one's own blessings. Forgive me, for I am about to commit Metaphor: When Something Awful happens, it's like falling into a deep, smooth-sided hole. I have my own bag of things that make me happy, but they're already down there with me, and none of them are high enough to stand on to see out of the hole. Other people's happiness, big and small, slide down into the hole like a rope or ladder. Being extended from the outside world, they are anchored to the points I can't personally see (because I'm in this dumb hole made by grief).

Okay, so it's kind of a crappy metaphor. But I think you see where I'm going with this.

The point is, thank you, all. The comments really helped.

Posted: Monday - June 26, 2006 at 07:55 AM         | |
