When Socks Attack


I am beginning to think I have created a monster. John desired tall, warm socks for wearing inside his waders. I happily obliged. It all started with this yarn. Good sturdy, German sock yarn, and plenty of it:

Yet more effing sock yarn

It all commenced in such a sweet way. I had finished the ribbing and was working on the sock itself. As I traveled through the midwest, several flight attendants took note of the sock and admired it. I did have a false start with the pattern (unphotographed), ripped back, and went with something slightly simpler and thereby slightly less likely to give me a nasty facial tic. The inches started to mount up:

John's sock - take two

As the sock grew to dimensions unheard of in hosiery-knitting circles, I knew something had to be up. It trailed in my lap on airplanes. Flight attendants started eyeing its length uneasily rather than admiring its sweet, tiny stitches. When it was just a wee sock, and people inquired what it was, my answer would cause them to nod and smile, "Oh. Cute. A sock." Now the response was a bit more guarded. "Wow. That's really long for a sock, isn't it?" Declaring the leg done and heading off down the heel flap was a major milestone. There may have been champagne. I can't recall. All I know, is when the gusset was finished, the sock started to exhibit some strange behavior.

How to know it's time to go to bed

I don't know if the sock was macking on my sock or threatening my sock for daring to lure my attention from his own manly blue stitches. (What can I say? I swing both ways when it comes to socks). All I know is it made me nervous. My sock looks nervous, too, come to think of it.

I did start to devote more time to the wader sock as the completion of the foot drew ever nearer. You can't take your attention off a sock at this point - they're so sweet and attentive. They even admire your pedicure at this stage.

Incomplete sock

Finally, last night, John noted that it looked like I was getting close to finishing (the man has lived with me long enough that he recognizes the significance of the tapestry needle). And voila.

Sock front view

A second one? Oh, no - I really think the camo pants and single wader sock look is going to be HUGE on the runways this year.

Posted: Friday - May 12, 2006 at 07:37 AM         | |
