

I was thinking the other day (Oh, good. Finally.) about how trite my blogginess seems sometimes.

- Musing on writing? Check.

- Cute (to me) pictures of my own animals? Check.

- Squeeing over personal hobby? Check.

- Miscellaneous ranting over relatively small things that irritate the snot out of me? Check.*

Good grief, why do I think this blog is any different from any other? And oh look - now we get the periodic post on bloggish relevance (#247 in your hit parade of bloggy cliches)! Now all I have to do is quote Ecclesiastes and say that there's nothing new under the sun and hang it up for the day.

Except I won't, of course. I've grown attached to this sort of quasi-exhibitionism. Quasi? Sure. There are plenty of subjects (some heavily blogged out there by other people, so there are fields of blog cliches that I don't plow) that I don't go near, but feel rather strongly about. Politics. Religion. Current tempests in the teacup called celebrity, including whether or not I feel a certain actor whose name rhymes with Bomb Snooze is certifiable.**

Why do I do it, though? (That's blog cliche #763, for those of you keeping track at home.) Shrug. I like it. I know there are people out there (most of them being people I already know) who enjoy it. It has, for me, become another way to look at stuff around me and think about communicating it to the greater world. I have a small circle of folks who seem to read on a regular basis, despite the random posting schedule. It may seem like a funny way of connecting to people, but it does seem to work. So I'll keep doing it, cute cats or no.

*Ask me about the neighbor kid who peed in our yard the other day. Go ahead. Ask me.

** ETA - correction. I could not, in fact, give a rodent's backside about the mental state of any celebrity. I may, however have an opinion on such a thing, despite the lack of emotional heat that opinion may generate in me

Posted: Wednesday - April 26, 2006 at 07:16 AM         | |
