Stories Galore


Go now and look at my stepbrother Brian's flash slideshow on his homepage. Ignore the mysterious couple in the first shot (except to note that they are preternaturally cute, even from behind). Look at the successive photographs. Don't they just start spinning stories in your head? Yes, weddings are beginnings, and beginnings are places to begin stories, but there's something about the moments he catches - the rough texture of a plaster wall, the concentration required to don a formal Asian costume, the unguarded joy on a groom's face: they just seem to make the whole story-telling part of the brain start to spin up.

I just love that.

I've also become well and thoroughly frustrated with my point-and-shoot and asked him if'n I can be on his list of folks who can buy a hand-me-down digital SLR when he upgrades. He said yes. He's a nice brother that way (and in lots of other ways as well).

Posted: Saturday - April 15, 2006 at 10:00 PM         | |
