Ooooh... What a Little Snow Day Will Do...
With Apologies to
Billie Holiday
...So, yeah. WoT should probably now be
called KoT, because I don't seem to be writing much, just typing about knitting.
I suppose that's what happens when you fill your brain with mostly two things:
work and knitting. Can't write about the one, not too much to say about the
other, but hey - nifty
snowbound progress brought me to this
is a terrible, transgressive thrill to knitting something and then, carefully
and deliberately dropping a stitch and letting it ladder all the way down.
(Yes, I need to get out more). It's something that you usually learn to avoid
at all costs - seeing a stitch drop and then take its neighbor down with it:
this is the stuff of knitting nightmare. This circumstance generally makes a
knitter catch her breath and gently place the knitting down (usually laddering
two more stitches in the process - laddering stitches are nothing if not
promiscuous) and scrabble in her bag for a crochet hook to slowly and
painstakingly re-loop the dropped stitches. Anyone in the room with a knitter
who is going through this has probably learned a few new words and the knitter
usually shaves off about a minute of life due to cessation of breathing and
elevated heart rate. Also, if you're me, you get so focused on the dropped
stitches that you're re-looping, you miss the fact that the tugging on the work
has caused another stitch to take a leap off of the left-hand needle and start
its horrifying descent into
ladderville.So this piece is
all about deliberately breaking the dropped-stitch
taboo.Okay - before I get too
whacko with knitting, let me distract you with a funny picture of MacIntosh in
from a half-hour in the
distracting enough? Okay, here's a pretty
See? Pretty flower with
snow? Ignore the knitting content down below. Nothing to see here except
pretty pictures of flowers and snow.
Posted: Monday - February 13, 2006 at 07:19 AM