I Feel so Special
You could say that I'm "In Training" for
the Knitting Olympics. I have been doing all scarves, all the time lately, with
time out for a hat for John's tender head. In other words,
easy stuff. This from the woman who says she likes cables.
You could also say that I'm brain dead and require small projects in order to get my knitting mojo back enough to actually cast on my clapotis. Yesterday I told Marie that my rationalization for doing all these no-brainers was to "really make sure I had my gauge completely even before I cast on another big project." She liked that one. Lyn called today from Knit + Stitch = Bliss and let me know that the other two balls of bamboo yarn she had found for me are ready and waiting. I think that was the final, "Oh my God" in my "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I'm really going to knit on a deadline." In the meantime, meet "Wavy," the burgundy scarf I am working on to while away the evenings before the opening ceremonies: ![]() My rationalization for "Wavy"? It gets me back in the habit of using a row counter. Yeah, that's it... Posted: Monday - February 06, 2006 at 09:08 PM | | | Quick Links Statistics Total entries in this blog: Total entries in this category: Published On: Aug 02, 2007 10:12 PM |