Announcement, of a Sort


At seven in the morning, Fifth Avenue is cool. Walking with a swinging, unobstructed, early-morning stride, you can see uptown, the buildings creating a canyon running unnaturally straight. The sun glints on the gilded towers of The Plaza at the foot of Central Park.

At seven in the morning, the windows of the expensive shops look like eerie stage sets: empty and expectant. The mannequins stand in their pristine clothes, drawing the eye with soft folds, daring plunges, sinuous curves.

At seven in the morning, construction workers sit on the ledges of those windows, eating breakfast. Their rough, paint-spattered grey trousers contrast with the smooth, soft grey trousers in the windows behind them.

At seven in the morning, the smell of new showers, expensive cologne, and cigarettes mingle with the smell of water as hoses spray down the sidewalk cafes on the cross streets.

At seven in the morning, I am headed for a meeting for my new-new job and I am happy.

Posted: Friday - September 23, 2005 at 08:36 PM         | |
