Saturday - July 28, 2007Monday - July 16, 2007Smart People are SO COOL.Especially when they demo their ideas in such a mellow, low-key way. Friday - June 22, 2007Business TimeOh, yeah baybee - it's business time: Many thanks to my good friend Sally for this one. Saturday - May 12, 2007EmoticonsA friend (who knew me well offline and not on) once assumed I would be averse to emoticons. I could see why, but for some reason, this is not the case. I find a well-placed emoticon rather comforting, especially in online chat. I am also almost inexplicably delighted by this. Monday - May 07, 2007It's an Honor Just to be Nominated, Right?::Snort:: - a comment of mine was chosen by Josh as a runner-up to funniest comment of the week over on Comics Curmudgeon. In all honesty, I think it was the first time I've ever commented on CC. I do love Josh, though. Nobody else can make me think, "Oh - I wonder what he'll have to say about today's 'Mary Worth.'" (Granted, nobody else has even tried...) Friday - March 23, 2007Friday - December 22, 2006Happy (or at least Funny) Holidays to YouI'm going on blog-vacation (I know - how
can you tell?), but I leave you with this - a comedian (and former cellist)'s
rant about
Wednesday - December 13, 2006Oh, Lord - the Time that Can be Wasted on the InternetI'm loving the "ho ho ho" easter eggs in
![]() (Full set here: since they're deployed via photo notes, hats and beards can only be viewed at the actual, individual photo pages). Thursday - December 07, 2006Very Important Viewing for Consumers of SushiThe
A test will be administered at a later date. I can't tell you what will be on it, but pay particular attention to: imparting information as to the number of people in your party, what to say when pouring a beer (or having one poured for you), and how much soy sauce to apply. Tuesday - November 14, 2006Our Ancestors Could Have Picked a Sunnier Place to LiveI promise I'll write up the end of last
week's travelogue soon (if anyone is really interested), but in the interim,
enjoy the Helsinki Complaints
Thursday - November 02, 2006Not So Usual For Me...... A
Friday - October 27, 2006Speechless, Just SpeechlessI've heard a brief precis of the
mega-yarn-klepto stories, but this is the in-depth
Ummmm. Wow. Brings all new meaning to S.A.B.L.E. Thursday - October 26, 2006Sunday - October 22, 2006La Breadchick, Columniste du CuisineMy buddy Breadchick has decided to take pity on those of
us who sometimes find "yeast beasts" (as she calls them) and other culinary
issues baffling, and is open for business, answering your questions. Her
initial "Ask Breadchick" column addressed my vexing biga
Ask Breadchick, Oracle of Yeast! Saturday - September 09, 2006Won't You Please Think of the Children?The Onion prints some wisdom from the
SUV set:
"If we do not join together and do what's best for this, our only planet, there may not be an environment left in which my five children, and their 25 children's 125 children, can grow up and raise large upper-middle-class families of their own." Friday - September 08, 2006::Hops Up and Down, Claps Hands::My friend Sharon's art on
Tuesday - September 05, 2006Wednesday - August 23, 2006Friday - July 28, 2006If Gatorade Tastes Good, You're Dehydrated.I've had heat exhaustion. It's not fun.
What it progresses to is even less
Keep yourselves safe, all. Saturday - July 15, 2006"Will You STOP Sawing the Table?!"Well, blow my lips off! My all time
favorite animation, The Big Snit is now available online. I guess I
can die happy now.